Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I'm officially declaring myself an unfit mother (for this week, at least).

In the last 3 days, Sabrina has - while under my watch - in fact, all while I was right next to her:

  • Face planted on that god damn Leap Frog table, causing a bloody nose, as well as a bloody and swollen lip.
  • Choked on a cracker. I'm talking FULL ON choking, grabbing her by her ankles and whacking her on the back, choking. All my fault. I gave her a toddler cracker. I had a fleeting thought that maybe it should be broken in half, but my daughter is quite the eater and that thought was quickly replaced with my certainty that she would, you know, chew. She didn't. Breathing ceased, I'm surprised I survived it, frankly. Scared the living shit out of me. So you'd think that I'd be extra vigilant following that episode, however, she managed to...
  • Take a chunk out of her little pointer finger and scratch up the other one. How? I was in her closet putting some stuff away, she was playing at my feet. Apparently she found a wooden picture frame and managed to completely disassemble it, removing the glass and cutting her finger. It seems okay today, I'm just hoping it doesn't get infected and we have to take her to the pediatrician, because how will I explain that? "How did this happen?" "Oh, well. She was playing with a plate of glass, ha ha, and you know..."
Thankfully, today she's at daycare. She's safe.


janessa said...

I've totally been there. Jenna managed to crack her face on our coffee table, proceed to fall and give herself a knot on the back of the head and scratch a gash in her face. Weeks like this suck.

At least you know you're not alone, right?

Sally's World said...

hey, i don't know what you mean, my kids have done all this and more in the space of an hour... i swear my kids try to give me a nervous break down every day! LOL!

Aunt Becky said...

When it rains, it pours, eh?

minivan soapbox said...

At least you let her actually DO stuff...I kept mine in a bubble for the first two years. I actually told someone to get away from her because they had a magazine...She may get a paper cut..IN HER EYE. I wish I was kidding.

Anonymous said...

Pre-toddlers or whatever you call kids this age are FREAKING SCARY. I pretty much live in fear of what he's going to do to himself...and how I'll explain it to the pedi.

AP said...

Aww, poor thing! Though, sounds like a normal 11-month-old to me! Don't beat yourself up :o)

heidileanne said...

Eleanor is always hurting herself, or more than likely lately, getting herself stuck in places. I've thought several times that she was going to have a fracture in her foot becuause she somehow managed to get it wedged under the doorway, and I couldn't for the life of me get her unstuck (thanks magical DH for coming to the rescue). So, you're not alone. These kids are just accident prone I swear, its them, not us! :-)

KandiB said...

I don't look forward to that stage at all! Can't they stay little forever?