Monday, March 23, 2009

Mondays Blow.

Once upon a time, Mondays sucked because I was:
  • hungover
  • still drunk
  • just tired
  • just bitter
  • all of the above
Now, I'm no longer drunk or hungover, and I'm not even that bitter anymore. I am tired. But Mondays blow for a whole new reason these days.

I don't get to see that gorgeous face all day long.

I don't get to have her tiny little wet hands smushed all over my face or pulling my hair.

Don't get me wrong. I don't feel guilty about working. I actually think it's good for her to be around other people, other babies. Different experiences and perspectives...I think it's healthy. I know she is in great hands while we're at work. She enjoys everyone that takes care of her. I don't feel guilty, but I miss her on Mondays. On Monday I'm coming off of two full days with her and they are rarely anything but super enjoyable. Even when she fights her nap, or decides not to nap and is a cranky butt. Even then, it's still the best ever.

Come Tuesday, I've adjusted and just look forward to the weekend. But Monday morning, I pout. A lot.


HeatherPride said...

Right there with you! Mondays and Fridays are the worst for me.

Sally's World said...

I don't blame you, what an adorable angel!

Jamers said...

So sweet!

the mama bird diaries said...

Sweet post.

janessa said...

I could have written this post. I agree, 100%. (and, consequently, today is my 'Monday' as I had yesterday off because day care was closed... she was a super grouch for part of yesterday, but it was still the BEST.DAY.EVER)

Lattes and Xanax said...

I can't believe I was never fired for being morning drunk at work back in the day!

I miss her, too!

sara said...

Thanks for following along with us...and yes, days I have to leave Brynn are the worst. I return home in the evenings refreshed and ready to see her. But on the way into work in the morning...I pout too. I feel like a little kid stomping her feet. ((hugs)) She is just beautiful by the way. Those incompetent cervix kids sure do turn out sweet :-)