Thursday, August 27, 2009

You know what's worse than labor pain?

Migraine pain.

Let me rephrase that: motherfucking migraine pain.

You know what's even worse than that? Migraine pain combined with an eye infection and possible sinus infection. And then? Just when you start to feel semi-human? Your daughter gets her 12 month shots and has a reaction that renders her so weak she can't even crawl properly, and croaked like a frog when she tried to speak. And then? Your boss is a complete douchebag and gets his panties in a wad and sends an email something like "Please be in the office tomorrow" and you're all what the fuck? asshole, I'm taking care of my kid that is clearly paralyzed thanks to her shots and you want me to "be in the office?".

Oh, and then? You find out you've been deemed the "expert" to go to for a particular software program that is totally not intuitive and one you have had no training in whatsoever because you were on bedrest when they bought the stupid thing, and now people are coming to you for reports from said program and you don't even know how to log in and someone had the audacity to say, "Who is the EXPERT?" when you tell them you're working on a particular report and will get it to them as soon as possible and you're all "seriously? what the fuck? asshole, I'm trying which is more than you're doing sitting there in your home office pretending to be working".

Needless to say, it's been a shitty week thus far and it's Thursday already so I think I can declare it officially a crappy week. I'm hesitant to say it's the worst week or anything to that effect because then someone will undoubtedly explain to me that their week is the worst week, as they found out they have cancer or something and I know I don't have cancer and everyone is pretty healthy except me (Sabrina's paralysis was short lived, and she's fine now) but really, it's just been one.of.those.weeks and it's my blog and I can complain if I want to.

Thus my explanation of why I haven't blogged this week.


Unknown said...

Boo migraines, infections and cooties. I hope you can make it on Sat -- I'm really looking forward to seeing you!

AP said...

Yuck! I'm sorry you're having such a crappy week- hope you have a fantastic weekend to make up for it!

Brakes and Gas said...

Try tiger balm patch between your shoulder blades for the migraine; its the only thing that helps mine. Hope next week is better!

Sally's World said...

oh goodness, so sorry you are going through all this, migraines...yep the worst, at least with labor, theres a reason, all you have to show for a migraine is doing all the housework you missed....

minivan soapbox said...

Hi Fellow Migraine Friend! I've been on meds for them for the last two years now...It's been AWESOME. (please note that capital letters note sarcasm) Sorry about the week...But glad you don't have cancer. (just a funny side note: word verification for this comment is crisis. heehee)